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14U Diamonds Win the Silver Division at the Icicle Challenge Tournament

16U Garnets place 2nd at the Whirlwind Chill 2 Tournament

14U Diamonds Take Second Place at WEVA Rally Tournament

Hocus Pocus

18U Emeralds place first in the Silver Bracket at the Hocus Pocus Tournament.

Try Out Dates-Registration is now open

Try Out dates will be:

October 27 and November 10

Age groups and Times as follows:

10/12U 12-1pm  13/14U  1-3pm  15/16U 3-5pm  17/18U 5-7pm

All tryouts will be at the Corning Painted Post Middle School


Information Sheet


Try out dates         October 27 and November 10

12:00-1:00 10/12U, 1:00-3:00 13/14U, 3:00-5:00 15/16U, 5:00-7:00 17/18U

Teams will be picked Nov 10th after the last try out is over.

You should hear by Nov 14th if you’ve made a team and given a time slot for your first practice Nov 17.

November 17 First Practice, first dues turn in and mandatory parent meeting with your coach.

Fundraising information (ticket sale will run Nov. 17-Dec 1) Basket raffle.

Turn in date will be Dec 1 15U-18U @2pm 12U-14U @4pm

Spirit wear store will be open from Nov. 17-24th.  We will do our best for turnaround time as the company allows us to.

Dues are due: In two installments or may be paid in full: Turn in dates are as follows.

 Nov 17          15U-18U @2pm     12U-14U @4pm

 Dec 1st        15U-18U @2pm     12U-14U @4pm

November 17 18U, 17U, 16U, 15U-$325.00      14U, 13U, 12U -$225.00

December 1 18U, 17U, 16U, 15U -$350.00     14U, 13U, 12U -$250.00

Cash or Check made out to Crystal City Volleyball Club

Failure to pay your dues on time will result in players not being able to play in tournaments, receiving uniforms, and possible practice restrictions.

No refund will be given for leaving a team.

Our tournaments  17U January 12th  14U January 19th at Campbell/Savona HS

Communication with coaches is a must.  It is important to communicate about missing practices and/or tournaments with plenty of time for coaches to make adjustments if needed.

Commitment to your team for practices and tournaments is crucial to the success of your team.

Uniforms Numbers on the jerseys are randomly assigned due to player movement among teams and age groups if necessary.  Uniform bottoms will be black spandex provided by the player.

clinic information



Clinics will be held on Sundays from 11am-12pm at the Corning Middle School.


Cost is $125.00 payable at the first clinic. 


You must register through the crystalcityvolleyball.com website use the registration tab to make sure you have a full USA membership a crystal city registration form and a completed medical information form.  The medical form must be printed and turned in at the first clinic.


The clinic dates are as follows:

Nov. 17, 24, Dec. 1,8,15,22,29, Jan 5,12,19


If you are unable to make it to a scheduled clinic, please let Olivia Furness know at




For further information or questions please contact either

Irene Furness at 607-765-9757


Olivia Furness at oliviafurness64@gmail.com